In Honor of Rich Clark
"We have a culture of abundance," Rich Clark declared.
"God loves us," he went on to say. "He wants us to be happy and successful and have a school that’s running great. Don’t worry about it; He’ll help. If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Rich Clark inspired us with his faith in God and his enthusiastic response to God's call. Rich believed in Catholic schools as an instrument of social justice, and he inspired many of us to share his vision of a brighter tomorrow for Cleveland children, schools, and communities. By inviting us to share in his work, Rich made us believe too in the best within ourselves.
"I’m the guy who is behind the mule every morning," he also added; "I’m still working every day...But I’m telling you: God will provide."
There is no greater way we can honor Rich than by providing for the children and schools he cared so much about. Thank you for honoring Rich Clark by continuing his work.